Ukulele Play Along
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id Song Artist Level Key
814 Blue Christmas Elvis Presley 2 E
1338 Driving Home For Christmas Chris Rea 4 A
606 Eenzame Kerst Andre Hazes 3 F
603 Feliz Navidad Jose Feliciano 1 D
607 Happy Xmas (war is over) John Lennon 3 A-D
608 Kerstlied Willy Derby 2 F
609 Last Christmas Susie Angela Helen 1 C
604 Lonely this Christmas Mud 1 C
614 Mele Kalikimaka Bette Midler 3 C
605 Merry Christmas Everybody Slade 3 G
815 Silent Night Tom Waits and Deanna Durbin 2 F#

Welcome to the Play Along

Just click a song and play along. All the songs (chords, lyrics and timing) have been done by head, heart en hand!

Please REGISTER yourself. After registration you can subscribe to the Ukulele Play Along for only €25/year to keep the website up to date and get access to ALL the songs. Upon subscription you can also do a song request.

Song Of The Week

Wieteke van Dort - Geef mij maar Nasi Goreng
Ja jeetje, ik hoor het ook net: Wieteke van Dort is overleden. Als eerste moest ik denken aan de stratemakeropzeeshow. Heel leuk weer een paar stukjes gekeken. Maar toen kwam ik gelukkig ook deze nog tegen: Nasi Goreng. Els heeft hem meteen meegespeeld. Ik citeer: "nou dat was erg leuk om te doen hoor ik en dan ook die ukulele nog... dat die er niet al eerder instond..." (in de Ukulele Play Along dus) "lekker up tempo die ukulele... old ukulele style". Dank je wel Wieteke voor de liedjes. We gaan deze even meespelen!

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Ukulele Play Along SUBSCRIPTION

For only €25 you get full access to the Ukulele Play Along for a whole year. That means you can click ALL the SONGS in ALL the PLAYLISTS. You can also add songs to your personal favourite list. And you can do a special song request: if you find a nice video on youtube of a song you like to play or learn, send me the link and I will turn it into a play along song.

Please first REGISTER and then SUBSCRIBE

ABOUT the Ukulele Play Along

It all started in 1998 when we launched the first version of the UKULELE CHORD FINDER. It was and still is a free tool to find all your ukulele chords online. In the beginning when the internet was still very slow, there was a downloadable version too. In 2003 a PLAY ALONG function was built into the chordfinder. The ukulele showed you how to finger chords on the neck of your ukulele while the song is playing. Everybody could add songs!

In 2008 we launched the first version of the UKULELE PLAY ALONG, where you could play along with songs from Youtube videos. In the beginning everything was based on the flash plugin and Youtube served flash-video-files (flv). When youtube stopped with flash and some browsers too we had to make a new version of the Ukulele Play Along.